Olive Lilywhite
Olive Lilywhite is an investigative journalist for The Central Report on Planet Whittier, and author of the Rook Land Saga.
She is also the overarching character within the Saga stories, and is joined by other titular characters in the battle against the Shadow Group.

Olive Lilywhite was born in Lumo, Whittier, the daughter of Lefteris and James Lilywhite, chief judge of the 8th Judicial Court. She enrolled in Aon College with a Space Officers Training Corps (SOTC) scholarship and studied history and Whittiern literature. During her service in the space corps, Lilywhite served aboard the WSCS (Whittier Space Command Ship) FireFox, and was one of two officers necessary to move or handle WonderBomb launch codes the FireFox carried.
While at Aon College, Lilywhite joined the Sata fraternity and was a member of the prestigious secret society Book & Bird. She received her masters degree and began a five year tour of duty in the Whittier Space Corps. Lilywhite lost the sight in her right eye due to a blast by an enemy missile, while crossing to an outer Virtuan controlled area from a Whittiern Government controlled area during the Redside war; thereafter she wore an eyepatch. At one time, she was close to Admiral Oland Bons, being communications officer on the WSCS FireFox under Bons’ command.
Journalist Career

After being discharged as a lieutenant, Lilywhite was admitted to the prestigious Raeto Law School but elected not to attend. Instead, she applied for a job as a junior reporter for The Central Report while taking graduate courses in Oskaere (legendary playwright) and international relations at Equidus University. Jay Bisbee, The Report’s metropolitan editor, gave her a two-week trial but did not hire her because of her lack of journalistic experience. After a year as a bureau journalist for the United Press, a weekly newspaper in Redside, suburbs, Lilywhite was hired as a Report correspondent, assigned to work directly under veteran investigative journalist Tomas Varidy.

Lilywhite and Varidy were both assigned to report on the death of Wonderchild Labs scientists, and their alleged assassination. Their work (under editor Bisbee), was the first to report on a conspiracy that links several corporations and the Whittiern Government believed to be operating at the highest levels of power, secretly started the Redside War, concealed from the public a plan to sabotage Wonderchild Labs and assassinate David Rook in order to secretly gain control over the Universe.
The theory, with supposed evidence of the Shadow Group’s existence and exposed parties, was first reported in The Central Report by Tom Varidy and Olive Lilywhite. The scandal ignited investigations which later proved the story false, eventually leading The Central Report to terminate Varidy’s employment.

Lilywhite’s career was in jeopardy following the events of the Shadow Group scandal; salvaging her job by writing simple weather reports and clickbait articles. She still secretly pursues the story of the Shadow Group and its connections to Rook’s death.
Rook Land Saga
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1. Is Olive a real person?
Of course she’s real!
But if we’re being completely (real-life) honest, ‘Olive Lilywhite’ is a nom de plume for Heather Holmgren (therapist) and Alex Bell (artist). This team is local to Salt Lake City, Utah. Olive Lilywhite also serves as both the fictional narrator journalist and core main character in the Rook Land Saga books.
2. So, who does the artwork?
The artwork is credited to Rook Studios. The Rook Land Saga is one big collaboration between many individuals. To get more specific, it is a combined effort. However, Alex Bell creates the illustrations.
3. Will you make Rook Land stories forever and ever?
100%—Wait, maybe. Ehhh, we don’t know. Depends on how all of this plays out. We (Rook Studios) have great ambitions, and fully plan to see this through Story ➌ (titled ‘OTTO’). If we’re lucky, and if you’ll support us, then we will get there. We promise that the wait will be worth it. Please stay tuned.